Welcome to Eclatspad, a platform dedicated to reading and writing fiction. By accessing or using our services, you agree to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
You must be at least 13 years old to use Eclatspad. If you are under 13 and caught your account would be terminated.
Our site is accessible to all users, but you will need an account first. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. Any activity occurring under your account is your responsibility. Eclatspad reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts that violate our terms. If you find out that someone has gained access to your account and is using it without you permission, ensure you report this!
You retain rights to the content you create but grant Eclatspad a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to display, distribute, and promote it on our platform. You must not post content that is illegal, abusive, infringing, or violates copyright. Also, EclatsPad will enable advertising on it platforms which include using your content to promotes EclatsPad services. However, your content are safe with us and would never be sold out to third parties without your permission.
Eclatspad respects intellectual property rights. If you believe content infringes on copyrights, you may submit a DMCA takedown request. Our copyright infringement policy is based on the US law and you can always submit a claim of copyright infringement.
Users must adhere to ethical conduct, which includes: No hate speech, harassment, or offensive content. No plagiarism or unauthorized use of another writer's work. No spam or unauthorized advertisements.
You agree not to use automated systems (bots, scrapers) to access the platform. Misrepresent your identity or affiliation. Attempt to hack, disrupt, or compromise the platform’s security.
Eclatspad reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts at its discretion, particularly in cases of policy violations.
Eclatspad does not guarantee uninterrupted service or the absolute security of user data. All content on Eclatspad reflects the views of individual users and not the platform itself. EclatsPad are not liable to you incase of any damages that arise from your use of our services or content provided on our platform.
Eclatspad reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Users will be notified of any significant changes when made.
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